Referral Request
As your referral was not list under self referrals, please use this form to request the referral you need.
Please give as much information as you can as this will assist us in processing your request.
01234 567 890
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Digital Practice is a service that has been designed to make it easy for patients of this Practice to:
By using Digital Practice you will be able to:
On some services, such as Ask the Practice a question and Ask the Doctor a question once the Practice has processed your request they will send you a response. This response will be sent to the email address that you have given in the form.
For security purposes the email will ask that you verify your identification. Once you have completed this the message from the surgery will be shown for you to read.
This service always uses fully encrypted connections, the same security as used in internet banking. If you look at the right of the address bar, you will see a small padlock icon. This indicates that you are using a secure link and that your data is encrypted.
As an additional measure your information is held encrypted until the practice need to view it. It is then sent to the practice still encrypted and only converted to readable text at the practice.
We track how you use our Digital Practice but we don’t collect or store your personal information (e.g. your name or address) while you’re browsing. This means that you can’t be personally identified.We use Google Analytics software to track:
We haven’t give Google permission to share this data with anyone else.
We are continuously working on this site to make sure that the information is accurate and up to date. The digital practice is also continuously updated based on the results of user testing, feedback from members of the public and from your practice and other practices who are using this system.
We are always looking for ways to improve this service and would welcome your suggestions. Please send your comments to
Digital Practice links to external organisations when that service is essential for helping a patient complete a task or when helping patients find a service.
As your referral was not list under self referrals, please use this form to request the referral you need.
Please give as much information as you can as this will assist us in processing your request.